Zimele USA Spring Gala 2025
Purchase your Early Bird Gala Tickets starting Monday, February 10th until Sunday, March 9th.
Purchase your Early Bird Gala Tickets starting Monday, February 10th until Sunday, March 9th.
Pre Order until Wednesday, January 31st or join us on Sunday, February 11th at Grieco Elementary School/Metro Community Church for our in-person Baked with Love sale (10am - 1pm, or until supplies last!)
Through the generosity of our all our wonderful Bakers, all proceeds will go directly to supporting Zimele USA and Zimele Wethu Foundation!
For additional details and sponsorship opportunities, please contact angela@zimelecommunity.org
After a two year hiatus, the Zimele Gala is back! We are so excited to return in person this May to raise awareness and support for Zimele USA and Zimele Wethu programs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa that confront the root causes of poverty and empower women to stand on their own two feet.
This year, Zimele honors the contributions of our Corporate Honoree - Covenant World Relief & Development, accepted by Stephen Sharkey, and our Zimele Spirit Award Honoree - Christine Lee, for their commitment to Zimele and community development.
Tickets: $200 each ticket includes dinner and open bar
Tickets may be purchased online at galabid.com/zimelegala2022
Please note: $175 of each ticket is not tax-deductible. Please contact your personal tax advisor regarding the deductibility of your purchase.
To purchase tickets, visit www.zimele.givesmart.com
For sponsorships, silent auction donations and program ads, please email angela@zimelecommunity.org
Join us for our largest event of the year! For more information or to purchase tickets, visit: https://zimelegala2018.auction-bid.org/
To purchase tickets, visit www.zimelecommunity.org/springbenefit
Please join us for the
6th Annual Zimele USA Gala
Celebrating 10 Years of Community Building
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Maritime Parc
Jersey City, NJ
6:00 PM Cocktails
7:00 PM Dinner and Program
For more information, tickets and sponsor information, please visit www.zimelecommunity.org/gala2017
Just in time for Valentine's Day! Share "Baked with Love" sweets with co-workers, friends, teachers, classmates and loved ones while supporting Zimele USA! Proceeds from sales will be donated to Zimele USA. Order, delivery, and pickup information are on our main Baked with Love page (link at the left) so please check it out!
Zimele USA will be selling an assortment of hand-made South African crafts at the Hester Street Fair on Saturday, June 18 from 10am - 6pm. We hope to see you there! For more information, visit www.hesterstreetfair.com
Corner of Hester and Essex
By Subway: FJMZ to Delancey or F to East Broadway
Get ready to SAY CHEESE for Zimele on Sunday, November 8 and 15 at Grieco Elementary School in Englewood, NJ. New backdrop and new props for even more holiday photo fun! Mini sessions will be $100 with proceeds benefiting Zimele USA. To book a session, email angela@zimelecommunity.org